023 Den's Rescue

Denrick approached the cannons from behind and heaved one up one-handed. He brought it down on the gunner commander's head like a club. His mute mouth gave no expression to his rage, but his club and fists shattered the skulls of his enemies as his sister's skull had been shattered. Pain from him and those he brutalized washed over me in waves. Bullets pierced his skin, but he ignored them. Nothing could separate him from the three girls he loved.

Den's Rescue by DiosYubi

His massive hands encircled our waists and he threw each of us over a shoulder. As he fled, he directed his star with his mind to consume anyone who challenged his flight.

After some hours of travel, we arrived in a hidden cavern picked beforehand for just such a catastrophe. Denrick placed us beside one another and his anger vanished. He threw himself on the diminutive corpse and wept as no man would ever weep in the presence of another soul. I placed my broken hand on his shoulder and linked our minds so that my mouth voiced the words he longed to say.

“I loved you Theila. You were more than a sister to me; you were my wife,” shock filled me at the words I uttered. “Today you came of age and I was going to declare my love. I know I didn't deserve you, but I wanted ever so badly for you to say yes.”

He redirected his words to me. “I will never know if she would have loved me. They took her away from me. I want to die and go see her right now. I don't want to wait a lifetime to see her again.”

I threw my arms around him and kissed him. Though I could not steal his woe like I did others, my presence still bore extraordinary power to comfort him. I wept in his embrace.

I love you Den. I could never compete with the way she loved you, but together we have become siblings through our pain. God has been faithful. He will be faithful again.

“Where is God in this pain?” His question rocked me; Denrick never wavered in anything, but now he faltered.

We have survived. While breath remains, there is hope. Both of us have lost our lovers, but we have not lost our God. We have not lost Crystal.

The thought of my infant cheered us. In our distress, Comfort wielded her power and caused both of us to drift into a deep slumber.

All content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please credit Nyla Woethief or Riley Duffield as the author and @DiosYubi@pixelfed.social as the illustrator.